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What Is Google Classroom
Google Classroom
Rantoul City Schools is using a free and secure learning tool for teachers and students. Google Classroom provides a safe way for us to connect, share content, access classwork, participate in discussions and receive important class information or announcements. Some of the programs are Google Sheets, Slides, Drive, Docs and Forms.
Using Google Classroom allows you and your child to have access to their digital classrooms at any time using the Internet--including devices such as a computer, iPhone, iPad, Android devices, and more. Google Classroom is used as an educational tool and will be used strictly for educational purposes. The site will discuss school-related content only and all staff and students will be held accountable for these actions.
There are multiple ways for students to access Google Classroom. Google Classroom is best used while running the Google Chrome web browser, however, this is not required. Using your Internet browser, type in the URL bar.
You may also visit RCS 137 Tech Links and use the Google Classroom link.
All of our students have their own personal login credentials for all of the Google services we use in school. Their email address is in the format of their skyward 5 digits number along with the suffix ( The password for k-5 can be provided by teachers. The Junior High students 6-8 have unique passwords and they are required to remember it. Passwords can also be reset by the technology department.
Your child’s teacher will be able to provide login credentials if needed.
Next, you will see all of the course offerings for your students. Primary grades will more than likely only see one class. Upper-grade students may see more than one class listed. To jump from one class to another, the three horizontal lines in the upper left-hand corner may be used to return to the main menu.
Each class page has three sections, Stream, Classwork, and People. The section that will be in use most is “Classwork.”
The “Stream” may be used for school-related communication. Schoolwork will be assigned, accessed, and oftentimes turned in through the “Classwork” section.
More information will be shared from your child’s teacher, our school website, and social media.
Thank you for being a part of our implementation of technology into our curriculum. Feel free to contact your child’s teachers or RCS E-Learning with any questions or concerns.