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- Rantoul City Schools SD 137
- Student Accident Insurance

A Student Insurance program is available; however, RCS offers no assurances regarding the coverage. It will be necessary to have an individual check for each child. The check for student insurance must be made payable to the INSURANCE COMPANY and NOT to Rantoul City Schools. A separate check (from that being used for Registration Fee) is necessary for the insurance.
RCS has approved a medical and dental accident insurance plan worthy of your consideration to add to coverage purchased. This coverage will extend the hours your child is covered and also may cover your child during certain activities not covered in the school purchased plan. We urge you to consider the benefits described in this brochure.
OPTIONAL 24-HOUR ACCIDENT COVERAGE (EXTENSION) – Insurance coverage is extended to provide for covered injuries that occur other than during the hours and days when school is in session and/or while attending or participating in school sponsored and supervised activities on or off school premises. The Extended Accident Coverage provides coverage during the weekends and vacation periods, including the entire summer. No coverage is provided for participation in interscholastic tackle football. No coverage is provided for participating in Interscholastic Sports or school sponsored/supervised activities covered under the Student Accident Insurance Program purchased by the school.
OPTIONAL 24-HOUR DENTAL COVERAGE (Can be purchased separately or with other coverage) – Insurance coverage is in effect 24 Hours a day. Injury must be treated within 60 days after the Accident occurs. Benefits are payable within 36 months after the date of Injury. The maximum eligible expenses payable per covered Injury is $10,000. In addition, when the dentist certifies that treatment must be deferred until after the Benefit Period, deferred benefits will be paid to a maximum of $2,500. The Student must be treated by a legally qualified dentist who is not a member of the student’s Immediate Family for Injury to teeth. Coverage is limited to treatment of sound, natural teeth.
COVERAGE PERIOD – Coverage under the Optional 24-Hour Accident Coverage (Extension) and the Optional 24-Hour Dental Coverage begins on the date of premium receipt by the Plan Administrator but not before the start of the school year. Optional 24-Hour Accident Coverage (Extension) and Dental Coverage ends when school reopens for the following school year. Coverage is available under the plan throughout the school year at the premiums quoted (no pro rata premiums available).
SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS Coverage for Injuries due to Accident only Maximum Benefit will be available on our website and in your school’s office upon request. If you need more information, please contact the Insurance Company directly or our Human Resources Manager at